CARESCO Centre - 01487 832105 ----- CARESCO Charity Shop - 01487 208026

CARESCO is a unique charity based in the village of Sawtry, near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire, which exists to serve the local community in Sawtry and its satellite villages.

Under the CARESCO umbrella are a number of services offered to our local community, including our Green End Day Club, our Cave, our Friday drop-in cafe, our carers support group, a music-based social group, a Christmas Day party and our charity shop which helps to fund our activities.

In partnership with other organisations we also host the local foodbank (working with the local churches) and the village car scheme (working with Cambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority).

CARESCO also edits and publishes the popular Sawtry Eye magazine.

There are lots of ways you can get involved and help with the work of CARESCO, for an introduction to the whole family of CARESCO activities, download our general leaflet.

Most of our services are run from our own purpose-built CARESCO Centre in the heart of the village.

Latest News

  • Upcoming Events - We have a number of fundraising events coming up, please click here to find out more, and look out for further details.
  • Up for a new Challenge? - Are you looking to get involved with CARESCO? We are always in need of new volunteers to help us to provide our various services. For more information, download our vacancies newsletter, or visit our Vacancies page.
  • CARESCO Newsletter - Our latest newsletter is now available to download.
  • Latest Sawtry Eye - The latest issue of the Sawtry Eye is now available to download, please click here to find the link, and all previous issues back to October 2008.
  • Sawtry Foodbank's Basket Challenge - Would you like to have our Foodbank’s shopping basket for one week? You could take it into work, or to your favourite club and encourage your friends and family to fill it up with items on our shopping list. For more information, download our poster, or visit our Events page.
  • CARESCO Annual Report 2023-24 - Our latest Annual Report is available to download. Printed copies are also available from either the CARESCO Centre or our Charity Shop.
  • Queen's Award for Voluntary Service - We were delighted to formally receive our Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for local voluntary groups on Wednesday 25th August 2022. Visit our dedicated QAVS page for details (photos to follow). You can find out more about the Award itself on the official website or by clicking on the QAVS emblem on the right.
  • Good to Go: Good Governance - We were very excited to have been awarded the Good to Go: Good Governance mark by Hunts Forum. This mark ensures that organisations are well run with a good level of internal governance, financial control, management and data protection. You can see the details on the Hunts Forum website or by clicking on the Good Governance Mark on the right.
  • New Building - After 20 years, our CARESCO Centre is wearing out and we are starting on the work to replace it. Do you have useful skills or knowledge you could use to help us? We would love to hear from you! For more information, download our invitation, or contact us.


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During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, our Sounds Good music and spoken word group were challenged to write relevant poems. 'We're Still Here' was penned by one of the members as his response to the situation and is here performed by CARESCO staff, trustees and volunteers.

Page last updated: Fri 19 Apr 2024

Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise.