CARESCO Car Scheme
CARESCO Car Scheme - 07810 476979In partnership with Cambridge & Peterborough Combined AuthorityIf you experience difficulties with getting to medical appointments, for example with the GP, chiropodist, opticians; attending hospital appointments including Peterborough, Hinchingbrooke, Papworth and Addenbrooke's hospitals, CARESCO's Car Scheme may be able to help. The Car Scheme is volunteer-led and for people who have difficulties getting to or using public transport. Those who do not have access to a car or any other means of transport can request a lift. A number of users have commented on how useful and valuable the scheme is to them. There is a charge for this service to help the volunteers cover the cost of fuel and motoring costs. To find out more, please contact us, download our leaflet for more details, or contact the Scheme Co-ordinator on 07810 476979 and leave a message. Page last updated: Sun 10 Mar 2024
Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise. |